Local MP Mary Macleod has thanked local people for their response to the public consultation on Piccadilly line trains stopping at Turnham Green station throughout the day and has asked residents to let their friends know about the campaign.
Mary recently launched an online petition which has now passed the 1000 signature mark, along with hundreds of petition cards which have already been returned to her office.
Mary said: ‘It’s really encouraging to see so many of our local residents making their voices heard on stopping at Turnham Green. We have had such a great response from the petition so far and I would encourage anyone who has not already signed the online petition or sent in their petition card to do so’.
TfL’s consultation has been up and running since 27th August and it will run until 7th October. There will be a drop-in session at Chiswick Town Hall on 6th September from 9:30am until 12:30pm and a discussion during the Chiswick Area Forum at the same location on 27th September at 7:30pm.
Mary also raised concerns about the content of the consultation, specifically Question 8, which asks whether people would be willing to experience a significantly poorer service across the entire Piccadilly line in order for trains to stop at Turnham Green throughout the day.
Mary added “I am concerned about Question 8 on TfL’s online survey because I absolutely believe that we can find a way to stop Piccadilly line trains at Turnham Green without severely disrupting the rest of the line. I would ask as many people as possible to tell their friends and colleagues who live outside Chiswick to answer “yes” to questions 7 and 8 so that we can let TfL know how we feel.”
The Piccadilly line consultation can be seen here: www.tfl.gov.uk/piccadillyline
You can sign Mary’s petition here: http://www.marymacleod.com/campaigns/turnham-green-tube-station-and-piccadilly-line