Local MP Mary Macleod received confirmation of Network Rail’s support for improving Gunnersbury Station at the most recent meeting of the Gunnersbury Station Action Team. Attendees at the meeting, including representatives from Transport for London and Network Rail, as well as a number of local residents groups, came together in an effort to transform the station, which has become a transport hub for West London.
While footfall at Gunnersbury Station has increased rapidly in recent years as a result of Chiswick Park, the problem will be exacerbated by the development of the new Brentford Station and the London Octopus. Mary established the Gunnersbury Station Action Team to discuss how to improve Gunnersbury station, with a focus on improving safety and tackling congestion problems.
At their most recent meeting, the group advocated introducing clearer signage and reconfiguring the platform in the hope of reducing congestion on the staircase. Network Rail also agreed to consult an architect to look at options for short and long term improvements to the station. Mary commented:
“Gunnersbury Station needs to change. We need to take into account the increased population and growing workforce in Chiswick. Safe and effective transport links are absolutely essential for the area, which continues to grow. The Gunnersbury Station Action Team has already made progress by identifying what needs to change, and some early steps have been taken to start the ball rolling. There is more work to be done, but I believe we can deliver a better station for everyone in the future”.