5. Notes that the Mayor of London has directed TfL to provide their expert advice and assistance to support Hillingdon, Richmond, Wandsworth and Windsor and Maidenhead Council and Greenpeace as they prepare for a joint legal challenge against a third runway at Heathrow and undertakes to join the legal action against the decision made by the Government to expand Heathrow Airport.
6. That a local referendum is arranged, with polling cards to be sent out with the Council Tax statement, asking 2 questions:
1. Should a third runway be built at Heathrow? Yes/no
2. Are you in favour of more flights into and out of Heathrow? Yes/no
Residents will be offered the option to vote online, by post or at their nearest library or council building.
7. That the Council resolves to write to the Prime Minister detailing the grounds for our opposition to a third runway at Heathrow Airport.